Additional Learning Needs
The Bishop of Llandaff respects that everyone has individual needs, and we fully understand and are committed to supporting those who may require extra care and attention. We know that many students (and adults), at some time in their life, may need short or long-term support in order for them to make progress to overcome barriers to learning. We believe our students should remain at the core of all our decisions and our aim is to deliver a fully inclusive education provision for all who learn at our school.
As part of the Additional Learning Needs Educational and Tribunal (ALNET) Act 2018, Welsh Government has replaced the term ‘special educational needs’ with ‘additional learning needs’ (ALN). The ALN Code for Wales 2021, identifies key roles for those who support the coordination and implementation of the ALN system in schools and education settings.
We use 'person centred practice' to improve communication between students, families and staff when planning for progress and transition between year groups and educational settings. The school facilitates collaboration with Careers Wales when transition planning for students from year 9 onwards. Where progress is identified as being less than expected, high-quality teaching, including differentiation, standard routine interventions and/or reasonable adjustments may not be sufficient to meet the needs of all our students. In this situation, students may be identified as having an ALN and it will be necessary for the school to take some additional or different action to secure progress.
Roles and responsibilities
Mr Thompson, as Head of Inclusion, is our Additional Learning Needs Coordinator (ALNCo) and he is responsible for leading and coordinating additional learning provision (ALP) for students who require educational or training provision that is, ‘…additional to, or different from, that made generally for others of the same age…’, ALN Code for Wales 2021, Chapter 2. Mrs Thomas, as Assistant Head/Head of Centre, has strategic oversight of inclusion across the school and supports Mr Thompson to ensure the school is meeting the needs of students and fulfilling its statutory duties.
Deciding whether a student has an ALN will be based on assessment of progress over time, from a range of sources. Where students have an identified disability, for the purposes of the Equality Act, assessment evidence will relate to whether that disability prevents or hinders the student from accessing any aspect of the school curriculum. The Head of Inclusion (ALNCo) plays a key role in developing a shared understanding of progress for individual students, including expectations around what progression may look like and the pace at which a student may progress.
Strategic Oversight of Additional Learning Needs
Mrs Thomas (Head of Centre/Assistant Head)
Additional Learning Needs Coordination
Mr Thompson (Head of Inclusion)
There are several leaflets and resources, created by Cardiff Local Authority and/or Central South Consortia to support students and families to understand more about ALNET (Wales) Act.