Homework is an integral part of the school curriculum. The nature of the tasks varies from subject to subject and is set according to the student’s ability and the departmental scheme of work. Homework tasks are recorded by students in the Student Planner and parents are asked to sign the Student Planner weekly.
Tutors will regularly monitor and sign the Student Planner. Students are expected to meet homework deadlines. At The Bishop of Llandaff, we strongly encourage the active support of parents/carers in ensuring homework is completed on time. Completion of regular homework helps students’ academic development and has a positive impact on their overall achievement and progress.
The impact of homework is widely debated. There are some families who request more homework for their child, while others suggest there is too much. Ultimately, we aim to strike a balance with students working (on average) to one solid piece of homework each night within Lower School (Year 7 - 9), while for examination year groups this does increase. The school operates a homework timetable to attempt to balance the amount of work a student has each night and our revised approach to 'skills homework' is designed to support students to complete the work and prepare them for the challenges of GCSE and A level. Therefore, this work will progressively become more challenging as the year progresses.
The homework is designed to not rely as much on content but build on skills developed over each phase of learning. This approach supports students to develop the necessary skills required while pitch at a variety of levels. For more able (and adventurous) students there are 'challenging' tasks to ensure the work is appropriately stretching.