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November Events - Highlights
Posted on: 01/11/2023A copy of the full calendar for the academic year can be found here. We encourage families to subscribe to this to keep up to date with the main events throughout the year. However, during the month of November, highlights include
Monday 6th - Headteacher Open Door, from 4.30pm until 6.30pm
Tuesday 7th - GCSE Mathematics: Numeracy Unit 1 Examination, 9.00am
Thursday 9th - GCSE Mathematics: Numeracy Unit 2 Examination, 9.00am
Friday 10th - Remembrance Service, 11.00am
Monday 13th - GCSE Mathematics Unit 1 Examination, 9.00am
Monday 13th - Head of Sixth Form Open Door, from 4.30pm until 6.30pm
Wednesday 15th - GCSE Mathematics Unit 2 Examination, 9.00am
Wednesday 15th - Year 13 Oxbridge Interview Preparations, 3.20pm
Thursday 16th - Sixth Form Open Evening, from 5.30pm
Friday 17th - Civvies Day (all proceeds donated to Children In Need)
Monday 20th - Student Voice Week
Monday 20th - Year 8 Eucharist at Llandaff Cathedral
Monday 20th - Deadline for applications to Year 7 for September 2024 (12.00pm)
Tuesday 21st - Year 12 Global Citizenship Conference Day
Wednesdsy 22nd - Year 13 Mini-medic Interviews, 3.20pm
Tuesday 28th - GCSE English Individual Speaking Assessments (Year 11)
Wednesday 29th - GCSE English Individual Speaking Assessments (Year 11)
Wednesday 29th - Year 9 Visit to Jesus College, Oxford
Thursday 30th - Year 12 Parents' Evening, 3.30pm until 6.30pm
Advance notice that Friday 1st December 2023 is an INSET day. School will be closed to all students on this day.